
I cant remember where or from whom I was first alerted to the flavour of young blackberry shoots but I am rather partial to this rosey macadamia flavour. It’s a surprising discovery when first tasted and not what you imagine it’s going to be, fresh, bright, green and nutty. There is more it would seem to the blackberry bush than just blackberries.

In fact a little research throws up much in the way of interesting informaton in relation to our history with this plant. Considering its ubiquity and easy identification there is no wonder in how well represented in folklore.The most obvious and well known story concerns when blackberries should and shouldn’t be eaten ie not after Samhain as the pucha or the devil had a habit of spitting on them around this time. Common sense ascribed to a story or warning.

Perhaps a little less well known and far more macabre is the story of how the double ended bramble shoot could be used to evoke an evil power that could be then aimed at ones enemies. But you paid the price for the use of this power with your own soul.