Cutting back

The precarious nature of some of the wild places I visit regular was highlighted for me today. The path that for the past year has been my almost daily source of exercise, inspiration and meditation was trimmed back some time yesterday. And done so in a manner that was way less than amicable and not at all considerate. One beautiful willow that was just beginning to put out its yearly growth was butchered beyond recognition. Further along the path dog roses and bramble were completely destroyed. I cannot fathom the meaning for this as the growth was by no means getting in anyones way and the maintenance of a pristine path is both futile and of no purpose other than perhaps some outmoded idea of conformity and tidiness.

This was the home of many birds, butterflies, bees, wasps, rabbits, foxes and many plants. There will over the coming months no doubt re establish. But the point is could such a butchering be avoided and some measure be implemented that benefited all and not just a box ticked in some office.