Ground Elder

I have been keeping an eye on the Ground Elder, in a little park up the road, over the Winter months. It has survived even the harshest of frosts. We have not had, thus far, heavy snow fall so I cant comment on its survival through that weather extreme. But it does seem to be a tough little survivor of a plant, and its vivid greenness is refreshing relief against the Winter depths. 

Flavor wise it always surprises me , how it can vary depending on the  time of the year and even where it comes from. I picked a hand full yesterday and found it to be less aromatic and much woodier and nuttier than leaves I have tasted later in March or April. I included it in some Quinoa burgers I made last night and will be adding it to pancakes later today. I also love it with mashed potato and I think the flavor works very well with fish.

Herbal wise it has been used for millennia, and its common name Gout weed indicates what for. It has a cleansing action and works on elimination in the body. also a good source of vitamins A and C.

