Currently i feel much less inclined to gather and to store, to save and harvest. I feel it unnessesary. At one point i felt i could never get enough of the abundance everywhere and felt a deep need to to make plants from the wild into food. but now for some reason i am much keener on observing and learning and the desire to gather is on a hiatus. There is no particular reason for this and its not a concious decision that i made, rather it is somthing that has emerged from within and a gradual lessening of desire.
I was listening to Robin Harfords eatweeds podcast and he expressed soimilar thoughts and not that i needed validation but somhow this brought it more I nto my conciousness and there was a kind of urika moment of recognition. I thought somehow that by constantly physically working with the seasons in an effort to somhow maintain and store the content, energy and context or each I was somehow saving it and therefore was wortthy. But i am one man and can only consume so much and my needs are mostly met by visits to shops and restaurants. I really have no need to suppliment this. That said I do of course still dabble and collect for specific occasions or for a recepie. But on the whole I no longer feel the need.
I feel my role now is of teacher and guide with takingaleaf a point of inspiration and encouragement to others to begin their own journeys.