
I have to admit i am a little obsessed with Alexanders, the plant that gives so much. they show up mid October just when all other greenery has given up for and been folded away for the year. Their growth cycle defys convention and they glady endure wave after wave of the worst lashings winter has to offer. The hardest frosts and freezing temperatures temperoraly halt them but any bit of mild weather and they bounce back again. At the moment i see them everywhere and their green growth is a welcome respite from the darker winter coulurs.

Its imagined that they made their way to us in medevial times when they were a popular choice in monastic gardens. Here they were valued for their own unique flavour and so so were used as a potherb and as a flavouring for alcoholic beverages and I imagine for medicinal purposes too. the flavour itself is interesting with much going on. I like to make a simple soup with them similar to a how i make nettle soup thats greens, potato, onion, water and a little bit of salt and pepper for flavour.