Sonairte , The National Ecology Center

For those who dont know or who have never paid a visit, Sonairte is an interactive visitors centre promoting ecological awareness and sustainable living. The name itself is derived from an old irish word meaning positive strength. Sonairte is spread over 10 acres on the banks of the river Nanny near Laytown Co. Meath. All sorts of interesting courses are run here from jam making to foraging.

A couple of weekends ago I hoped on a bus from Parnell St in Dublin which brought me right to the front gate of Sonairte in less than an hour. Once there I joined a group of about 10 others and  spent a most fascinating couple of hours rambling round the ten acres and being introduced, by the very knowledgeable Zaneta Wright, to different plants both cultivated and wild that live there.

Zaneta started the day off for us with a little taste of some of the delicious treats she has made from the autumn abundance surrounding her. We had a cordial made from elderberries, a spicy Hawsin sauce made from haws, nasturtium seeds in brine ( very much like capers) and some dandelion root coffee. This was followed by a stroll around the gardens with multiple stops along the way  for talks  on a fantastic assortment of plants including, sumac, hazel, apples, nasturtium, fuschia, horseradish, sea beet, nettle, alexanders, blackberries, haws and rosehips. 

I asked Zaneta a couple of questions about what she does.

1, How did you get into foraging?

I got into foraging because I am a bit of an opportunist. I like to find uses for the things that are around me. I read stories about blackberries as a kid and on coming to Ireland saw all their bounty and abundance around me. It was very inspiring and inspired me to explore nature and find connections between things. I started reading foraging books and other plant books, observing nature and then confirming what I saw through books.

2, Name some books that have inspired you,

Food for Free is the most useful book for beginners it is by Richard Mabey and is also available as a pocket guide. Another book that I find useful, although it is more specialized and about forrest gardening, is Martin Crawfords Creating a Forrest Garden.

Judith Hoad, National Treasure

Its difficult to know where to start with a bio or description of this incredible lady there are so many areas that she excels in. Author, Vibrational Medicine Practitioner, weaver, herbalist, teacher, sustainable living expert and this is all just the tip of the iceberg. She has a vitality and energy that would shock people half her age.  

I was lucky enough to do one of her “Medicine for Households” courses a number of years ago. This would mean that for a weekend once a month for six months I would make the trip from Dublin to her home in the wilds of beautiful Donegal. Judith lives off grid which means no mains electricity and no running water, no chemicals and as much as she can no plastics. Almost all waste matter including bodily is composted and then eventually when broken down goes on to her vegetable garden. An old aga in the living room is constantly alight and fed briquettes. A kettle on top is always full and pots of her own foraged herbal tea blend always on the go.

   Here I learned how to forage for medicinal plants, make tinctures and decoctions, creams, balms and lotions. I learned the names of common weeds in  latin and colloquial and of their many invaluable uses both historical and current.  Long days were spent learning, note taking and out in the fields and garden. But everyday we would stop at one for a vegetarian feast usually, including greens both cultivated and wild, and afterwards we would sit back and Judith would read a chapter from the Story of Little Tree. She timed it so that we had a story every lunchtime right up until the last day. If you have never been read to as an adult I suggest to rectify this immediately.

I recently managed to ask Judith a number of questions via email. She answered with her usual enthusiasm and delight. 

1. Judith you have been foraging wild medicines and food long before the current fashion, what inspired you to do so?

I have been foraging wild plants for about fifty years and was inspired by the way the plants were so prolific and if the animal ate them ( we kept goats that ‘browse’  they dont graze, so they were eating lots of things) I thought we could and so it started. But it was always me that did the harvesting.

2. Do you think there is a rebellious streak in you?

I KNOW there is a rebellious streak in me. I have never seen any reason why I should do something solely because other people always do whatever it is. But I never do anything just to be rebellious….there always has to be another reason. I actually conform over some things.

3. Do you think that people should take a more autonomous approach to health?

I believe that each person is the World Authority on their own body. If each child from infancy, was thought how important it is to exercise ( not by being told so, but by being thought how to enjoy it and do it every day…qi gong for example, which can be made into fun, as well) and if people were encouraged to eat proper, fresh food there would be much less ill-health due to inappropriate diet and lifestlye.

4. Name two books that have inspired you.

Mrs Grieves Modern Herbal and The Energetics of Western Herbs by Peter Holmes.

For further reading, insights and invaluable wisdom try one of Judith’s books, Need or Greed, This is Donegal Tweed, Our Practical Choices for the Earth, Healing with Herbs, Hoads Herbals.

If you are interested in one of her courses or contacting her directly her email is

Smoke hangs like haze over harvested fields,
The gold of stubble, the brown of turned earth
And you walk under the red light of fall
The scent of fallen apples, the dust of threshed grain
The sharp, gentle chill of fall.
Here as we move into the shadows of autumn
The night that brings the morning of spring
Come to us, Lord of Harvest
Teach us to be thankful for the gifts you bring us …
— Unknown (via silverwitch)